What is GitOps?

GitOps focuses on using Git as a source of truth for changes to your system.

Amazing picture

GitOps, Change Ahead

Vs Devops?

DevOps encourages the collaboration between Ops and Dev teams. In practice, it has a focus on self-service and automation.

Given that source code and Infrastructure as code often live in Git repositories, GitOps proposes that it is what is in the repository as the source of truth. For this to be true though, we must action any changes to the code as soon a practical.


Getting the Desired State to the Actual state is automatically processed through Automation. Any Infrastructure as code or configuration files held in a Git Repo, must therefore be the truth, or at least treated as the desired state of things. To do this, GitOps usually employs automation and pipelines to act on the configuration as soon as the code is committed to the default or main branch.


We employ several pipelines to act upon configuration.

i) Machine Images: As soon code hits a branch in a PR, an image is built and tested. Tools for this include packer, puppet or ansible, and test kitchen. Odd to bring a chef tool into the mix, but there you are.

Our pipeline builds the base image using packer, running ansible for the role configuration management, and runs tests against the image with test kitchen. If the commit is on the main branch, then the resultant image is tagged and shared across accounts, to become the new default for that role.

ii) Infrastructure: The code review process include a series of tests to check for static errors and code planning. Our IaC is mostly written in Terraform with a bit of terratest. This GitOps driven pipeline also terraform apply the code when running from main to ensure the Git source of truth is indeed what the infrastructure looks like.

iii) Microservices: Likewise the pattern continues into the Developer domain, with their submitted and peer reviewed source code getting brought into a build, test and deploy pipeline. The code being deployed is tagged to a version in the repository, so main isn’t necessarily what is deployed to live. The pipeline often deploys to pre production environments, awaiting the human process of change control before hitting Production. In a smaller or startup setup, you may have the CI/CD Pipeline compile, test and deploy to all environments, with the caveat that the preproduction deployments should successfully deploy first.


The golden thread through all of these examples, is the automation of deployment. The code is committed to a Git repository, which is read and checked before deploying to production, in an automatic pipeline, triggered by the commit.

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